Michael Atkinson
Executive Director
Michael is Theatreplan's
Executive Director International

Michael leads on several projects in Hong Kong and south east Asia, including at East Kowloon Cultural Centre and Esplanade Theatres of the Bay in Singapore. He was the project leader on the Shaw Auditorium at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Michael's first project with Theatreplan was designing the lighting systems for Copenhagen Opera House, which he worked on whilst still Head of Resources at London’s National Theatre. After his work in Copenhagen, Michael was invited to become a Partner (later Director) of Theatreplan in 2013.
Michael was at the National Theatre for 25 years, initially working as a Lighting Technician and finally taking a senior role within the Lighting department and working on capital projects. During this period, he undertook the design of new dimmer systems and control networks for the three theatres at the National, and managed the complete rewiring and installation works, whilst keeping the theatres in use. He was instrumental in significantly reducing the NT's power consumption, extending lamp life by changing operational procedures and in reducing the external lighting load by 90%. Michael was central to the design and installation of the Philips Vidiwall screen, visible from across the Thames, on the facade of Denys Lasdun’s landmark building.
Originally coming from a background in contemporary dance, Michael quickly decided he was more interested in the technical aspects of theatre. He trained in Theatre Electrical Engineering and went on to work in the West End of London, lighting major shows such as The Sound of Music and then touring with The Muppet Show. This led to him being invited to New York to work on lighting control systems and eventually develop some of the first animatronics for Jim Henson. He continues to do set electronics and special effects for theatre and tv and has built several set pieces for Doctor Who, and recently assisted with the lighting design of the musical SIX, helping create and engineer the LED towers for the first London production.
Michael really enjoys the challenge of working in Asia and the enthusiasm for new theatre projects there.
Current Position
Executive Director
Joined Theatreplan
Professional Association
Member of the Society of Theatre Research
Member of Institute of Theatre Consultants